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Tuesday 9 December 2014


Depakote is a prescription medication used to treat seizures

Depakote should be the last medicine to be considered when prescribing antiepileptic drugs for women who are pregnant, the Neurodevelopment Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs study group concluded. On August 8, 2006 Neurology stated that major fetal malformations and even fetal deaths were more commonly found iwith pregnant women who were taking Depakote compared to alternative antiepileptic medicines. 

If you have had a child that has suffered from the side effects of taking Depakote which include a cleft palate, Spina Bifida or any other kind of malformation then contact highly experienced Dapakote Lawyer so they can assess your case. 

You may be eligible for compensation if you or a member of your family have taken Depakote and have then had a child who has suffered from birth defects. Contact a highly competent Depakote Lawsuit.
If you or someone you love has taken Depakote and experienced negative effects, you may have a legal case against the drug manufacturer to recover financial compensation. Contact the Depakote Lawsuit lawyers today to learn how we can help you. 

If you are taking or have taken Depakote and you or your child has suffered any negative effects as a result, consider speaking with a Depakote lawsuit attorney as soon as possible. Your health problems could be related to taking Depakote and you may have legal grounds to pursue a lawsuit for your injuries and damages. Our experienced Dapakote Lawyer can investigate the details of your case to determine the best course of legal action. 

The Dapakote Side Effects are claimed to be numerous and they include spina bifida. This has lead to a number of Depakote lawsuits which includes a Depakote lawsuit class action in the United Kingdom. 

There have been numerous warnings from health professionals about the risk of Dapakote Birth Defects for at least ten years. The New England Journal Of Medicine reported in April 2001 that the frequency of birth defects including growth retardation, hypolasia of the midface and fingers and other major malformations increased in babies whose mothers took anticonvulsant drugs during pregnancy. 

Because of the risk of Dapakote Birth Defects, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has classified the drug into pregnancy category D. 

The most dangerous side effects of the drug are in the potential damage to the unborn fetus. There is risk to pregnant women, women likely to become pregnant or those that are nursing. Taking Dapakote and Pregnancy can cause any of the following:
1- Death of the fetus
2- Spina Bifida (where the spinal column fails to completely enclose the spinal cord)
3- Cleft palate
4- Malformations of the hands 

Using Dapakote and Pregnancy has been associated with a number of birth defects. This is more likely if the drug is taken in the first trimester. There is a 1-2% risk of Spina Bifida occurring in the babies of mother’s that took valproic acid when they were pregnant. A study showed that if the mother’s took valproic acid during their first trimester it was 12.7 times more likely that their babies would develop Spina Bifida than babies of mothers who had not taken it.

Navigate to this website for getting more information related to Dapakote Lawyer as well as, Dapakote Birth Defects.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog. Take a look here how to fight for your medical rights if your known one is harmed by the Depakote. Watch here.
